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and you phailed, TWICE XDDDDD

FireNuke responds:

....can you get amber or tom to write a hate review please, theres are worth reading -_-

Srsly Chad

A. its 6MB
your REALLY poor at optimizing

B.the reason you submitted it on ClockDay is so you would get a good score
and you even failed at that

C. I could rather watch a 10 year old wanking in my opinion...

D. Our fourm is much better without you spamming and seeking attention and really giving us your shit flash that we dont really want...

E. go join the glock group or something, im sure theyd just eat you up.....

F. what the FUCK was this movie and why did i bother to watch it? it sucks harder than your other attempt

G. srsly, the only way you got on was cus it was clock day ^^! you fucking ghey, go get some talent from somewhere, cus atm you CERTAINLY dont have any

H. <-- lol, a H

I. War Hammer really does suck.... you should feel ashemed for playing it...

J.J. AbraHams owns

Chaos-fox responds:

A. its 6MB
your REALLY poor at optimizing

i know =D

B.the reason you submitted it on ClockDay is so you would get a good score
and you even failed at that


C. I could rather watch a 10 year old wanking in my opinion...


D. Our fourm is much better without you spamming and seeking attention and really giving us your shit flash that we dont really want...

we both win then

E. go join the glock group or something, im sure theyd just eat you up.....

F. what the FUCK was this movie and why did i bother to watch it? it sucks harder than your other attempt

somthing i made in 5 minutes
G. srsly, the only way you got on was cus it was clock day ^^! you fucking ghey, go get some talent from somewhere, cus atm you CERTAINLY dont have any

theres no such thing as a bad pupil, only a bad teacher, and since you make out you taught me everything i know......

H. <-- lol, a H

I. War Hammer really does suck.... you should feel ashemed for playing it...

you spelt ashamed wrong, and thats your opinion btw.
J.J. AbraHams owns


^_^ thanks

Emoll2 responds:

New one tomorrow, maybe. ;)


I was amused by the the way you made it like you were drawing characters and settings, Rather than just lines dancing around like most ones.

Yeahh, get your own style - i MADE that style - no one else has it

FireNuke responds:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you honestly belive that? alrighty do you a deal

ignoring that i have a style, i shall "get my own style" if you generaly stop leeching off other people. this means
. no making collabs, re cruiting the best and making crap parts.
. no makign quick fix plot devices and some how getting co for prodjects you did fuck all for
. no making people do hard work only to badly sync ic
. and no stealing ideas from xgen.

sound fair prickzin?


i was about to review saying YOU MISSED THE BIG 4 TOED FOOT!

CapnBob responds:

Ahhh, this is the kind of reaction I like. Thank you.

Fucking LOVED IT

hehe it is ME hahahah

FireNuke responds:

thanks brother, you da man


knox making more crap XD

Knox responds:

Krap ;)

Read Below

Grapchics- Most weren't yours
Style- Seen it done like a ZILLION times
Sound- just gay
Violence- N/A
Interactivite-Play button that wasnt yours so don't count
Humour- i dont think it was funny at all
Overall- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

very poor.... the background wasnt that good either it was ok but you could spend more time on it WTF? the door was a white block and the book shelf was crappy as it wasnt finished NVM saying that you were rushing cos this is the fimished product so thats why u got those scores

RollOnClock responds:

i did it quik VERY QUICK! u neva do ure own play butons
Stle is the clock crew style.
its gay - SYLVESTER K DAY!



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