love tthis series
YAAAAAAAAAY my nick name is mash :P
love tthis series
YAAAAAAAAAY my nick name is mash :P
Random rating (above)
hmmmm quite poor especially the explosion the plot didnt thicken and nothing much happpend really dissapointed the explosion was fairly bad aswell (chinese lock died last episode and he's back in this one rofl)
dude ur ace front page defo
dd u really make this?
knox making more crap XD
Krap ;)
good animation
but crappy drawing
Read Below
Grapchics- Most weren't yours
Style- Seen it done like a ZILLION times
Sound- just gay
Violence- N/A
Interactivite-Play button that wasnt yours so don't count
Humour- i dont think it was funny at all
Overall- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
very poor.... the background wasnt that good either it was ok but you could spend more time on it WTF? the door was a white block and the book shelf was crappy as it wasnt finished NVM saying that you were rushing cos this is the fimished product so thats why u got those scores
i did it quik VERY QUICK! u neva do ure own play butons
Stle is the clock crew style.
its gay - SYLVESTER K DAY!
Havent seen the movie but ull get FP with that score :P
Joined on 9/11/04